IEEE MAPCON 2024, Hyderabad

IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference, MAPCON-2024 will be held from December 09 – 13, 2024 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC), Hyderabad, India. This is the third edition of the MAPCON, which is a joint flagship conference of IEEE MTT and IEEE AP societies in India. The conference will be held in-person (physical mode). This Conference provides an excellent international platform for sharing of state-of-the-art research/ technologies in the field of microwaves and antennas, wherein many national/ international eminent personalities will share their vision, expertise and knowledge. MAPCON 2024 will include a wide range of technical sessions, invited talks, workshops, tutorials, special sessions, student design competitions, industry sessions, exhibits, professional meetings, tours and networking events. It will also hold Ph.D. initiative activities, Young Professional, Women-In Engineering, SIGHT, and start-up initiative activities.

International police exhibition

Very Proud to have Media Coverage done by India’s Biggest news Network News18 for Participation of APC Technologies & Fischer Switzerland at 9th International Police Expo, New Delhi.

A very strong support from all the visitors towards demonstration of Keystone 6 suitable for Arm forces & Commandos during their critical missions.

APC Technologies Participating IEEE MAPCON 2023

IEEE MTT-S and IEEE AP-S have come together and signed a MoU for combining two flagship conferences of the respective societies in India (IMaRC and InCAP) to a single conference: Microwave, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON). The second edition of MAPCON will be held from December 10-14, 2023 at The Forum Celebration Centre and Wyndham Hotel at Ahmedabad, India, a world heritage city. MAPCON 2023 will create an international platform for Microwave, Antenna and Propagation experts and technologist from Industry, Academia and Startup ecosystem to collaborate and share their vision, expertise and knowledge. MAPCON 2023 will include technical sessions, poster sessions, special sessions, invited talks, workshops, tutorials, focused track on Young Professionals, Women in Engineering and SIGHT. Eminent professionals from International Space Agencies, Defence Establishments, National Research Organizations, Academia, and Industries will deliver expert talks and tutorials and organize special sessions related to recent developments.